Radiate health and happiness from the inside out.
“We cannot obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.”
— Dalai Lama
Considering the growing number of adults and children struggling with things like anxiety, loneliness, and helplessness, it’s apparent that something needs to change. I agree with the Dalai Lama. We’ve been looking in the wrong place. The source of love and wisdom that will bring forth the solutions that will empower us to experience inner peace, feelings of connection and belonging, and the deep sense of trust we all crave comes from within.
Become Love Empowered

So what does that mean? Simply put: to be empowered by Love. Not just any love, but the kind of love will help you see and relate to yourself and the world around you in a whole new way. When you become Love EmPowered, you deepen the love you have for yourself, others, and your life—unlocking the key to experiencing true health and happiness!
This type of love begins by developing a sacred, intimate connection with your heart.
You’re in the right place!
Hey, I'm Pamela!
You may be wondering how I uncovered this for myself. Well, as a teenager, I struggled with body-image issues and low self-worth. As a mother, I broke the mold and ended up in the best shape of my life; but inside, I quietly struggled with irritability, mood swings, and loneliness. And because I wasn’t showing up fully as the woman and mother I wanted to be for my three boys, shame. As a girl, young woman, and woman, I longed for validation that I have value, am inherently worthy, and that my voice matters.
I’ve had four life-changing experiences that became healing tools that helped me piece together the holes in my own heart. I now help others do the same. I’m passionate about removing the stories that have kept us, especially women, from understanding their inherently beautiful, powerful nature. My goal is to change society’s definition for what it takes to be healthy and happy to one that’s founded upon a deep sense of self-worth and self-love.
Be sure to connect with Pamela to learn more about her newest book and gift book that will be released in 2024!

Hey, I'm Pamela!
You may be wondering how I uncovered this for myself. Well, as a teenager, I struggled with body-image issues and low self-worth. As a mother, I broke the mold and ended up in the best shape of my life; but inside, I quietly struggled with irritability, mood swings, and loneliness. And because I wasn’t showing up fully as the woman and mother I wanted to be for my three boys, shame. As a girl, young woman, and woman, I longed for validation that I have value, am inherently worthy, and that my voice matters.
I’ve had four life-changing experiences that became healing tools that helped me piece together the holes in my own heart. I now help others do the same. I’m passionate about removing the stories that have kept us, especially women, from understanding their inherently beautiful, powerful nature. My goal is to change society’s definition for what it takes to be healthy and happy to one that’s founded upon a deep sense of self-worth and self-love.
The first step requires you to say yes to you!
If you want to uncover peace within yourself, deepen your relationship with you, build and trust your inner resilience, and allow your heart to guide your vision, I’d love to share the Sacred Heart-Centering Practice with you.

I'm Here to Support You!


“In a short period of time, Pam’s perspective & activities around mindfulness have been hugely impactful. Through Pam’s calm presence, she was able to teach me how to effectively meditate to stay grounded, practice positive nutritional choices within a hectic schedule, & implement small changes to help me be more present, patient & purposeful in managing my day & approaching life’s challenges. I look forward to the continued implementation of these practices to grow personally & professionally. Thank you Pam!”
Andrea Eshenbaugh