Meet Pamela

Meet Pamela
I’m so happy you’re here!

Before diving in, I’d love to offer to you one of my favorite affirmations to reflect on with me. Pause, take a deep breath, and say it out loud if you’d like.
When I invite Divine Love
to guide my vision
I see a reflection of beauty
Someone whole, someone worthy
Someone Empowered by Love
You are Love. If you don’t know that yet, my hope is that I can help you. It’s one thing to learn that you are Love. It’s another to believe it. But it’s your experience of Love that will change the way you see and relate to yourself, to others, and to the world.
How I got here
I had an Aha! moment one afternoon while watching Oprah. The show was about creating a career you love by finding a way to monetize your passion. The words “Personal Trainer” flashed across my mental screen, making me laugh out loud. I’d always considered myself the least athletic person I knew. How did I find my way to a place where I would even consider pursuing a Personal Trainer certification?
I wasn’t born with any athletic inclination. In fact, I still get nauseous thinking about gym class! There was only one physical activity where I felt comfortable in my body—dance. The day I learned to walk was the day my childhood dream of being a dancer was born. I spent hours as a kid groovin’ and moving’ to the album by Olivia Newton-John and the Flashdance soundtrack. But all the hours I spent dancing took place in the comfort of my own home.
As a young girl, I was self-conscious and insecure about my figure and I didn’t want to be seen in a leotard. Even at that age, I knew my body would benefit from healthy eating, but I’d already developed an unhealthy emotional attachment to food that I had no idea, or probably at the time no desire, to change.
Food had become my surrogate friend—a friend who comforted me as I tried to navigate the emotions of my parents’ painful, tumultuous divorce. The comfort I received only lasted a few minutes, and I was always left feeling fuller physically, but emptier emotionally.
My distorted relationship with food reverberated into a distorted relationship with my body, exacerbating my inhibitions and creating stress around physical activity. Even more, it distorted my Spirit, preventing me from living each day as the fullest expression of my true self. My body image haunted me for years to come. And like too many other girls in their high school years, I began to walk down an even more self-destructive path.
Then one day, I experienced an eye-opening moment that changed everything!
I was at the lunchroom table looking at my two closest friends in high school who also suffered from body image issues and disordered eating when I became overwhelmed by a sadness that stung my heart.
How could these two girls who were so beautiful inside and out feel so uncomfortable in their own skin? How could they not see the amazing qualities in them that I saw? What caused them to want to change themselves so badly that they were willing to make choices that were physically and emotionally detrimental when they were so special and so lovely just the way they were? Later that evening, I stood in front of the mirror and looked at my reflection in a new light.
Rather than pick out my flaws, I saw my body as a precious gift that God gave me to fully experience my life.
I realized that if someone didn’t accept me because of my flaws, I didn’t need them in my life. The only person I needed to change myself for was me. Except what needed to change wasn’t my figure. Instead, I needed to change the way I was treating myself and the motivation behind my choices.
For the first time, I understood that God had given me a life worthy of my LOVE.
This epiphany didn’t give me a reason to be complacent. It fueled my fire. I sacrificed my dream of becoming a dancer to my body image issues and insecurities, but I was not going to make this mistake again.
I had the power to change. And so my commitment to a new way of being was born. And so was my love for all things healthy.
My reason for eating healthy, exercising, and prioritizing my self-care shifted to LOVE. And LOVE has sustained my motivation ever since!
Now, I’m the mother of three messy boys, married to the love of my life, and sharing my passion with others as a meditation facilitator, certified HearthMath Mentor, and creator of Love EmPowered.
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